Oral hygiene is one of the most talked-about topics in the world today, and this is because of its importance in life. Taking care of your teeth is very crucial, even though many people still end up with cavities that result in the loss of a tooth or two. This has led to the development of dental implants which are the best-known and popular form of replacing missing teeth.

People who have lost a section of their jaws due to accidents or poor oral hygiene had their confidence restored when they opted for the use of popular dental implant options. However, to enjoy the permanence and usability of dental implants, it is incredibly important to take care of gum tissue and ensure you have healthy bones for longevity.
Popular Dental Implant Options
If you have been informed that you need dental implants and you have agreed to it, it is highly crucial for you to get acquainted with the most popular dental options out there.
There are three popular dental implant options out there:
• Endosseous implants
• Subperiosteal implants
• Transosteal implants
Let’s take them one after the other:
Endosseous Implants
This type of dental implant takes a cylindrical shape and can, at times, be compared to the contour or shape of a screw or imitate the shape of a blade. It is made in three forms: solid metal, metal encased in ceramic material, and ceramic material. In most cases, they are set on the inside of the jaw.
Subperiosteal Implants
This type of dental implant comes in the shape of a metal structure or framework. It is usually attached on top of the jawbone or resides underneath tissues in the gums.
Transosteal Implants
This dental implant – which usually takes the shape of a metal pin or a “U” – is designed to pierce the jawbone and gums.
Your dentist will help you to determine the design, type of dental implant, and the right size for your needs. This is after your mouth has been thoroughly examined by the dentist, and this examination may include the use of X-rays for proper diagnosis.
Some dentists may also require that you undergo some tests to determine the status of your overall health before committing themselves to the dental implant exercise.
After the examination, the molds of your teeth and jaw may be required so that the dentist can estimate the specific type of treatment that you need.
Day of the surgical procedure
The state of your oral hygiene, overall health, and choice of dental implant will determine whether or not the surgical procedure will occur in one or two stages.
Stage One – This is where the dental implant is set into the jawbone and left for the next 90-180 days to heal. If the dental implant does not penetrate the jawbone, Stage Two may not be necessary.
Stage Two – The dentist opens up the gum after 90-180 days and exposes the implant beneath. Abutments are then attached in preparation for the setting of your new teeth. The area is re-secured with protective caps, stitches, and surgical packing to make the area pain-free and healthy.
Post-operative care
This will involve regular visits to your dentists to ensure everything is working as expected. It may require minor examinations to check for complications or onset of unforeseeable disease.
Popular Dental Implant lasts for a lifetime, thus restoring the confidence and smile of the user perpetually.